Six days since my last entry, mainly because I don't really do much every day and I can't really write about stuff if I haven't done much. And I'm beginning to think it all rather pointless if nobody reads the monotony of my days. Most days just consist of getting up, eating, watching YouTube or News channels, posting on Facebook, more eating, watching more TV and then going to bed. Sometimes I do a bit of PS4ing, going to Aldi or Boots and taking Loki out (weather permitting because I spend days sweeping up the mud that sticks to my chair wheels afterwards). If I didn't have Dee and Loki to talk to and cuddle, and the knowledge I have two wonderful children, and mine and Dee's extended families I think it would be a bit harder to find reasons to get out of bed. Oh and of course my friends on Facebook.
I remember when I had a job it would have been nice not to have to get up every morning to go to it. Now that I don't have to get up I sometimes wish I could be fit enough to find a job to bring in just a little bit of money and to have people to talk to. Funny how things change over the years, and how time seems to run faster. Anyway that's the negatives out of the way for now.
Apart from the fact Dee is still suffering badly. She had an appointment with a spinal specialist the other day who said she needs to demand a face to face appointment to find out why she is having the pains in her arms and other concerns. So she rang the doctors and the receptionist filled out a request for an appointment. Got a text yesterday saying that she has an appointment on 19th April.
Well it's been a lovely sunny day today so I took Loki out this afternoon and had a lovely time as he was so well behaved and to help he actually kept all his crap in one place :-) and sat good as gold as I positioned my chair so that I could reach it to bag it up.
I bought a £7:99 engraver from Aldi the other day and it remains in its box unused still. Have also bought an electric callous remover and Dee kindly got rid of a lot of rough skin off my feet for me, and I know how much she hates doing it, so a big thank you to Dee.
Loki has taken to going behind the curtains at night to keep an eye on the street and you can always tell when someone walks a dog past by his sad, pathetic little whines. He does look funny at times with just a wagging tail showing or the curtain over his head when he's coming back in.
Nearly tea time. Gammon, egg and chips so time to finish for now.
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